Signature Theme Research Report 2008-2009

??African Centre for Cities
Publication language
Date published
01 Dec 2009
??African Centre for Cities
Research, reports and studies
Disaster preparedness, resilience and risk reduction, Disasters, Environment & climate, Urban
African Centre for Cities

Flooding of informal settlements is a particularly large problem in Cape
Town – over the past three years more than 30 000 people per year have
been displaced by flooding in informal settlements. The Urban Flooding
CityLab brings together researchers and practitioners interested in
various aspects of urban flooding in Cape Town and how flooding risk
can be reduced.
The Urban Flooding CityLab was initiated by Professor Sue Parnell in
September 2008 and Warren Smit was appointed as coordinator in
January 2009. A series of seminars and field trips have addressed
various issues relating to flooding. Topics have included sustainable
urban drainage systems, natural drainage systems and conceptualisation
of flooding risk. A collaborative UCT/ Stockholm Environment Institute
research project on collaborative governance to reduce flooding risk in
Cape Town will contribute greatly to the work of the Urban Flooding
CityLab. As background material for this project, Warren Smit and
Gina Ziervogel have written a paper, “Learning to swim: strengthening
flooding governance in the city of Cape Town”, which sets out the key
issues relating to governance and flooding in the city.