Cities Alliance 2003 Annual Report

Cities Alliance
Publication language
Date published
01 Jan 2003
Cities Alliance
Research, reports and studies
Development & humanitarian aid, Poverty, Urban
Cities Alliance

The Cities Alliance grew stronger in 2003. Not only has the partnership expanded, but the
Alliance’s strategy is increasingly being mainstreamed and producing results.This strategy,
adopted by Alliance members when the partnership was formed in 1999, calls for a concerted attack on urban poverty by focusing efforts in two areas: city development strategies (CDS) which reflect a shared vision for the city’s future, and citywide and nationwide slum upgrading.

Leadership by Alliance members in support of this strategy is most apparent in their actions building on the endorsement of the Alliance’s Cities Without Slums action plan by the world’s heads of state and the adoption of its goal as Target 11 of the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs) – “by 2020, to have achieved a significant improvement in the lives of at least 100 million slum dwellers”.

During 2003 Alliance members have consolidated their efforts to help achieve this target both with more resources and by aligning their country operations in support of citywide and nationwide strategies.