ALNAP Bulletin - December 2011

Publication language
Date published
22 Dec 2011
Conference, training & meeting documents

 ALNAP December 2011 Bulletin. 

In the last six months ALNAP has been working on a broad range of areas, including: the evaluation capacities project; identifying and promoting lessons to support relief efforts in the Horn ofAfrica dissemination of our work on operational leadership; the development of guidelines for the evaluation of humanitarian action; the State of the Humanitarian System report, and, of course, preparing for the 27th Annual Meeting, which will be held in Chennai next month.

In September the Network welcomed theAmericanRedCross, as a new Full Member. At the Secretariat, the ALNAP team also welcomed Francesca Bonino,ALNAP’s new Research Officer - Evaluation, Learning and Accountability, who will be working on ALNAP’s evaluation work streams and on beneficiary feedback mechanisms. Please read on to find out more about all these recent activities and events.