Evaluation of DG ECHO's assistance to vulnerable groups affected by the crisis in the Central African Republic during the period 2007 - 2010

Watt, J. and Poulsen, L.
Publication language
Date published
01 Jul 2010
Evaluation reports
Accountability and Participation, Accountability to affected populations (AAP)
Central African Republic

The purpose of the Evaluation is to draw lessons and establish accountability in view of improving performance. More specifically, the Evaluation seeks to assess the appropriateness of DG ECHO's response to the humanitarian crisis in CAR in accordance with DG ECHO's mandate and the changing needs in CAR. To this end, the Evaluation analyses the relevance of the targeted sectors and the efficiency and effectiveness of the funded operations, including the role DG ECHO plays in CAR. The Evaluation analyses the coherence between the funded activities and an LRRD (Linking Relief, Rehabilitation, and Development) approach with special focus on contribution to longer term impact, connectedness and sustainability. The complementarities of the funded activities are also analysed in relation to relevant activities of other EC instruments as well as those of Member states and other funding institutions. Finally, the Evaluation provides possible planning scenarios and recommendations on DG ECHO's future role in CAR.