Evaluation of DG ECHO's Actions in Burundi (2006 - 2009)

de Klerk, T., Capdegelle, P. and Nshimirimana, E.
Publication language
Date published
01 Oct 2009
Evaluation reports
Development & humanitarian aid, Protection, human rights & security, Forced displacement and migration

In recent years, DG ECHO has progressively reduced its humanitarian aid in Burundi to coincide with both the arrival of development-oriented donors and the handing over of actions to other EC financial instruments. In the Country Strategy Paper 2003 – 2007, it was envisaged that, in partnership with DG ECHO, the 9th EDF would support the link between relief, rehabilitation and development (LRRD) with a transition from humanitarian assistance to sustainable development. However, it was not until early 2006, following the inauguration of the new democratically elected President in August 2005, that the donor community commenced consultations with the Burundi government, opening the way for DG ECHO to begin its phase-out strategy.

The purpose of the evaluation is to assess the appropriateness of DG ECHO’s actions in Burundi for the period 2006 – 2009 (in accordance with its mandate), in order to establish whether the objectives have been achieved, but with a main focus on its LRRD strategy. To properly understand the LRRD strategy and process, actions funded from other EC instruments were also included in the analysis.