Full Report of the Evaluation of the Mozambique Country Programme 10446.0 (2007- 2009)

Nielsen, N.S. and Wohlert, A.
Publication language
Date published
01 Mar 2009
Evaluation reports
Children & youth, Education, Food and nutrition

The objective of the evaluation is twofold. First, it will assess the degree to which the objectives pursued are being achieved, the effectiveness of the means employed and account for aid expenditures to stakeholders. It will provide an assessment of WFP Midterm Evaluation of WFP Mozambique Country Programme 10446.0 (2007-2009) support: (a) to the education of the food insecure school aged population of Mozambique and (b) to the government’s capacity to manage a national school feeding programme at national and sub national levels. It will also provide insight on the extent to which partnerships promote the achievement of objectives and on the government commitments to school feeding. Secondly, the evaluation will aim at informing decision-making processes about future FFE interventions in Mozambique, including a possible extension of the CP until 2010 in harmonisation with the PARPA and UNDAF. Modalities will also be discussed as these are becoming increasingly important considering WFP’s organisational changes and demands for more assistance oriented approaches (as opposed to more aid oriented modalities). 

Criteria: Effectiveness