Kosovo Humanitarian Programme Evaluations: Towards synthesis, meta-analysis and sixteen propositions for discussion

Apthorpe, R.
Publication language
Date published
01 Oct 2000
Research, reports and studies
Conflict, violence & peace, Evaluation-related

Aware that an unusually large number of evaluations of the humanitarian response in Kosovo were being undertaken, ALNAP Full Members endorsed a three-stage process to allow available
evaluations to be subjected to a meta-analysis and synthesis. The findings of this first draft would form the basis of discussion at a Symposium attended by some of the principal actors in the evaluation process and the operations evaluated. This version of the paper represents the first stage of that process. The second stage will be the Symposium, and the third an expanded and finalised version of this paper, to reflect the principal outcomes of the Symposium.
The objectives of this paper are to:

  1. overview the nature, scope and quality of the humanitarian programme evaluations of humanitarian responses in Kosovo; and
  2. identify recurring themes in relation to the broad categories of humanitarian principles, operations and human resources.