Uganda Floods - Lessons Learnt Workshop

Publication language
Date published
01 Jan 2008
After action & learning reviews
Disaster risk reduction, Disasters, Floods & landslides, Disaster preparedness, resilience and risk reduction

The Lessons Learnt workshop, held in Soroti in January 2008, aimed to learn lessons from the 2007 floods response, and determine priorities for disaster risk reduction in relation to potential future floods in Uganda.

The main lessons learnt were the following:
1. Coordination must include all actors, and the DMCs must be given the necessary resources to lead overall coordination of the disaster response
2. Strong rapid assessments are critical to ensure a timely and effective disaster response
3. Funding for recovery activities is equally important as funding for emergency programmes
4. Government funding for emergency response is critical, but procedures to access such
funds by the districts could be simplified to improve the timeliness of the response
5. Clusters with members already working in the flood-affected areas were at an advantage,
however the willingness of other actors to move into the area on short notice was also a key
contributor to the success of the emergency response
6. Adoption of a human rights based approach would have benefited the planning and
response to the emergency
7. Opportunities for mitigating disaster risk by reducing vulnerabilities should be prioritised, in
order to reduce the potential negative impact of future flooding
8. Early warning systems could play a major role in risk monitoring and triggering a timely
response to future flood disasters
9. A stronger focus on reinforcing community coping capacities would improve future
10. Stronger linkages with private sector actors are required to ensure that the response is
coordinated and common strategies and standards are applied
11. Activation of the logistics cluster was critical to the success of the first phase of the response
12. Adherence to common criteria in the identification of affected population and the use of
quality control mechanisms support equitable humanitarian assistance to all those in need