A Retrospective Study of Emergency Supplementary Feeding Programmes

Navarro-Colorado, C.
Publication language
Date published
01 Jun 2007
Programme/project reviews
Children & youth, Food and nutrition, Nutrition
Save the Children

Objectives: 1) To describe the characteristics of emergency SFPs implemented in recent years (Targeted SFPs and Blanket feeding). This includes: a. To describe how SFPs fit into the overall nutrition intervention. b. To identify the explicit and/or implicit objectives of emergency SFPs. c. To determine the extent to which programmes follow current guidelines. d. To determine the extent to which SFPs feed into longer-term programming. 2) To assess the effect of emergency SFPs on children enrolled in the programmes (efficacy), and the underlying programmatic and contextual factors influencing outcomes. 3) To assess the impact of emergency SFPs at population level (effectiveness) and the programmatic and contextual factors influencing outcomes. 4) To describe and compare the costs of SFPs in different emergency contexts (cost-effectiveness). To compare these costs with those of other types of interventions with similar objectives.