End-of-Term Evaluation of the Pakistan Country Programme (1994 - 1998)

Sobhan, I.
Publication language
Date published
01 Sep 1999
Evaluation reports
Food and nutrition, Development & humanitarian aid

WFP's operations in Pakistan are anchored in a strategy set forth in a Country Strategy Outline (CSO). Reflecting the adoption of the programme approach, the Country Programme Document (CPD), outlining the specific interventions supporting the strategy, was to be prepared on the basis of the findings of the CSO and be consistent with the planning cycles of both the Government and the UN system. The Pakistan Country Programme (CP) reflects the first attempt by WFP to reformulate its operations and make them more integrated, coherent, focused and flexible. It represents a distinct departure from the piece-meal project oriented approach of the past. The Pakistan CPD was retroactively approved in October 1996, on the basis of the CSO of December 1994. This full report reflects the result of the Evaluation undertaken at the end of 1998.
This full report is structured as follows: the second section gives a brief overview of the different elements that constitute the Country Programme; the third section provides a discussion of the achievements of the different elements of the Programme; the fourth section evaluates the Programme under a number of broad categories and the final section provides some recommendations. The report is supported by detailed Annexes on the three different sectors included in the Country Programme.