Safe Learning Model COVID-19 Sub-study Executive Summary 2020

Publication language
Date published
01 Jul 2020
Factsheets and summaries
Concern Worldwide

Developed by Concern Worldwide, the ‘Safe Learning Model’ adopts a holistic approach to the education of children in extreme poverty, in order to realise sustainable improvements in children’s literacy, wellbeing and gender equality (including gender-based violence) in schools and communities. The model combines a comprehensive educational programme with interventions that support teaching practices, as well as gender-based violence. In order to evaluate the effectiveness of this integrated model, University College Dublin (UCD) School of Education is conducting a threeyear longitudinal study with children in 100 primary schools in Tonkolili, Sierra Leone. Through a mixed methods design, the study aims to evaluate the model through a randomized control trial of its implementation across 100 communities. The study examines wellbeing, gender equality and literacy development of a cohort of pupils and their everyday experiences in school and at home and ultimately how this may be affected by the programme. Within the overall research framework, a sub-study was conducted on the impacts of COVID-19 on schools, children and their learning.