ALNAP Lessons Papers – what’s next?

08 Dec 2020

During our recent Members Day on 19 November, we asked for your help to define the focus of our next Lessons Paper. We were delighted to find that almost every attendee in both sessions cast a vote!


The poll results show a clear consensus on Localisation as the top choice, which suggests a greater demand for Lessons Papers to cover key operational issues rather than our traditional focus on crises.

As the day developed, we continued to discuss the poll results in the smaller breakout sessions and it became clear that before embarking on a Localisation Lessons Paper we must first explore and clearly specify the issues within the topic that our audiences would find most useful in terms of lessons.

Encouraged by the poll engagement and the Members Day discussions, we will further examine how ALNAP can best approach the topic of Localisation over the coming months. In the meantime, here are some other upcoming highlights in our work on Lessons Papers:

Our paper on lessons from Ebola will be out soon

The launch of our latest Lessons Paper Responding to Ebola epidemics will take place in mid-December. Look out for the publication going live here.

We are launching a new blog series

Starting alongside the Ebola paper is a new blog series featuring humanitarian practitioners and researchers with insights on the Ebola response sharing how they relate the Lessons Paper to their own work.

We are updating our Lessons Paper methodology

We will start 2021 with a revised methodology which will guide the development of our Lessons Papers going forward. This revision will incorporate valuable feedback provided by Members, including approaches to increase the relevance of the papers and ways to provide more actionable lessons for staff working in the field.

We are updating our COVID-19 Rapid Learning Review

We are in the process of updating our paper Responding to COVID-19: Guidance for Humanitarian Agencies we published in May. A revised version of the paper incorporating new learning for humanitarians on how to respond to COVID-19 in low and middle-income settings will be published by mid-2021.

Do you have a comment or question about our Lessons Paper work? Please contact our j [dot] doherty [at] alnap [dot] org (subject: ALNAP%20Lessons%20Papers) (Senior Research Officer Jen Doherty).