Earthquakes | Essential lessons for humanitarian responders

16 Nov 2023

A PDF version of this lessons briefing is available in the sidebar.

In fragile or developing states, large earthquakes can turn back the development clock by years or even decades. It is impossible to eradicate earthquakes, but it is possible to prepare and learn from past experiences to strengthen the humanitarian response and to ‘build back better’. 

These essential lessons draw from previous post-earthquake humanitarian responses, covering: debris management, shelter, health, livelihoods and economic recovery, water, sanitation and hygiene (WASH), education, food security, nutrition and protection. 

Across the project cycle 

Lessons 1 to 4 are applicable across the entire earthquake response project cycle and should be the pillars upon which the humanitarian community builds post-earthquake responses.  

Lesson 1: Engage broadly and rapidly with local and national actors – even the most affected communities and authorities have some level of capacity after an earthquake 
Lesson 2: Acknowledge and do not undermine the work of private sector entities to ensure business continuity following an earthquake 
Lesson 3: Do not let infrastructure and access challenges get in the way of communication, especially with isolated communities 
Lesson 4: Ensure cross-cutting issues such as gender, security and the environment are incorporated at all stages of the response 
Assessment and analysis 

The quality of a humanitarian response is partly determined by how well the context, needs and capacities of those affected are assessed and understood.  

Lesson 5: Conduct thorough assessments which recognise and identify the distinct ways earthquakes affect different populations 
Lesson 6: Follow established good practice for needs assessments, recognising the specific challenges of doing so in urban areas 
Lesson 7: Conduct assessments in ways that avoid exacerbating tensions between host communities and internally displaced persons  
Strategic planning 

Strategic planning builds on the assessment of humanitarian needs, which provides ‘the evidence base and analysis of the magnitude of the crisis and identifies the most pressing humanitarian needs’ (Humanitarian Platform, 2018).  

Lesson 8: Locate spaces to store debris and, if appropriate, use short-term conditional assistance to clear it 
Lesson 9: Anticipate issues related to lack of documentation and complex land tenure 
Resource mobilisation 

One of the challenges faced by humanitarian practitioners involved in post-earthquake response is how to quickly make resources available.  

Lesson 10: Mobilise sufficient and appropriate surge capacities 

Implementation builds on the needs assessment, strategic planning and available resources. It is the phase when the response really takes shape. The needs of affected populations evolve quickly in post-earthquake contexts, so the implemented project must be adaptive enough.  

Lesson 11: Account for quickly evolving health needs in post-earthquake contexts. Be aware that epidemics can happen 
Lesson 12: Prioritise the repair of existing structures, support owner-driven reconstruction, preserve architectural heritage and use relocation and resettlement only as a last resort 
Lesson 13: Be cautious with setting up transitional shelters, which may hinder longer-term reconstruction 
Lesson 14: Address long-term as well as immediate education needs 
Monitoring, evaluation, accountability and learning 

Humanitarian agencies are under pressure to become operational quickly and address the most pressing needs among affected communities. It is easy for M&E and reporting to receive less focus.  

Lesson 15: Recognise the value of MEAL and push through obstacles 

As affected communities’ needs are almost always greater than the available resources, it is imperative humanitarian actors maximise their assistance and prevent duplication.  

Lesson 16: Put time and effort into coordination to avoid negative impacts on the response 

For more information or expert comment please contact ALNAP’s Communications Team: alnapmedia [at] alnap [dot] org