2023 Canadian Evaluation Society Conference | Review of the use of the OECD DAC criteria for evaluating humanitarian action

23 June 2023
11:30 - 12:30, GMT +4

Join ALNAP as we continue our consultations to update our guidance on the use of the OECD DAC criteria for the evaluation of humanitarian action.

We will be running a virtual session at the International Exchange for the 2023 Canadian Evaluation Society Conference. Register now to hear about our new research and how to take part in our global survey.

ALNAP is updating its popular 2006 guidance on how to use the OECD DAC criteria for evaluating humanitarian action- one of the first comprehensive guides on how to apply the criteria with practical examples. This session will provide an opportunity for participants to share their views and attendees should come ready to interact and engage in a lively discussion.

At this event, ALNAP will present the main findings of new research reviewing the use of the OECD DAC criteria for evaluating humanitarian action, which highlights key challenges and issues related to their application. Participants should come ready to engage in a lively discussion and contribute insight. 

ALNAP will be launching a global survey of humanitarian and evaluation practitioners, an opportunity to share your views on changes you would like to see in the evaluation guidance.